Friday, September 22, 2006
Im a SICK Ger ...
Am given 1 and half day MC yesterday. Went to see Dr Chan during my lunch time and he gave me a very scary expression " Oh My god!! Ur wisdom tooth must be giving u headache and poor thing u practically cant eat anything except soft items... " But no choice got to reduce the swell and then go extract it out... But i was told if the pain is realli killing you, u can request for the dentist to cut abit of gum and extract the wise tooth out... but that wull be too pain and another week MC might be given... i think i will go for that coz the wisdom tooth no place to grow then stay there will continue hurting me... and its getting on my nerves...
Been eating many types of antibiotics and painkillers... all doesnt seems to take effect on me... Today is my dear colleague birthday.. feel so bad that im not there to attend... She juz msged me asking whether am i attending... i cant coz juz taken medication... Maybe sat go down her place to give her a small gift... My goodness.. all the way to bukit panjang.. hehe but went there b4 for mahjong session...
Got to start my assignments liao.. cant afford to flunk it this time...
God Bless Me!!
I'm giving you ATTITUDE /
- 4:32 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Am i WISE?
Been haunted by my wisdom tooth for the past 1 week and the swelling still does not go down. Went to see a dentist this morning and yes... i cant extract my wisdom yet. I got to wait till my swelling went down before going for the operation. And for the next few days, i'll still continue enduring the pain and only eating porridge. Completely no appetite for anything and worse still i got to talk. Opening my mouth is such a toture. Im only given painkillers and some medicine to reduce the swell. Taken the painkiller by yet it seems no effect on me, im still so much in pain!!
I juz dun like ppl to keep calling and calling me, keep msging me, keep asking me " who called?" , "who msg?" Questions like "Why?, How come? and trying to pick my words realli keep me real tired and irritated.
When i nv pick up my call, it simply means im busy, i cant pick up ur call, or even simply means i want my own free time and freedom. Last nite, im so unwell and took medicine, then i went to slp early.You called and asked why i nv call you. Im not upset at all and continue with my slp. Last week, i encountered many disappointment but that truely is juz disappointment. Im not upset either.
Missed my classes for the past 2 weeks and i received a sms from my tutor tis morning. Haizz juz hope that im able to catch up with my classmates and then again it's time to start doing my assignments again...
Saturday, arranged for a mahjong session with ivan, qiaoyun and chris. hehe that day was i reall lucky day. I won 60 bucks!! Ho ho ho... by right is 120 bucks coz we playing 30,60 cents but by half lor... then on sun, i went KTV with dar... onli the 2 of us wor... mouth was so super pain but it's been so so long since i went KTV so dun care.. endure the pain.Sang for 4 hrs...quite worth it though... we paid for 20bucks each which includes a buffet and a free glass of drink....
Got to slp nw... juz eaten medicine.
I'm giving you ATTITUDE /
- 9:46 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
New Look!! Nice??
Finally completed my assignments and i've been so super busy and tired for the past 2 weeks... Everyday is the same routine, wrk, slp, do assignments, eat,... it juz kept repeating itself. That day upon handling up my marketing assignments, i've got a weird feeling and a super bad feeling that im gonna flunk this assignment. Duno why.. Trying hard not to think too much of it.
Anyway, bought 3 pairs of shoes recetly and the latest damge is done yesterdae for 60 bucks for a pair. It juz happens that my colleague air stewardess fren bought her a pair of wrong sized shoe and she cant fit in at all. she asked her fren to buy a size 6 but somehow that size 6 seems like a size 4 and im the onli person who can fit into that. 1st look of it and i love it... it's a red, open-toe shoe... will post a photo of it here... hehe After buying that, im super duper broke to the core, and im 1 more week to payday!! gonna feed on bread or cup noodle for lunch and breakfast for next week...
Oh ya... forgot to wish huiqi "Have a wonderful and safe journey!! Enjoy yourself there!! and remember to take lots of photos and dun forget me wor!! " Wanted to msg her tis afternoon but was so buzy that i forgot all abt it...
So looking forward to Oct and the Dec for bonus and for April ...

I'm giving you ATTITUDE /
- 11:43 PM