Monday, August 14, 2006
Injury Prone Day - Monday Blue Day - Class Day...
Three injury befalled on me today, which really "makes" my day!!
1st injury - my colleague acciendentally stepped onto my feet. She was talking to boss when i happened to go in and take something from amerlia. She stepped back without realising im behind her. The important thing to note here is she's big size man.. and i really can feel her weight on my feet. We laughed.
2nd injury - while on my way to school, i was sitted on the upper deck and trying to get some rest. Somewhere near holland, a big size man wants to alight. I think he lost his balance while making his way down. The bus stopped suddently and his body almost lands onto me... WTH!! so many ppl seated, why falls on me?? I was awoken from my slp. Din really heard his apology maybe due to im listening to my songs, i stared at him all the way until he make his way down. While going down the stairs, he dun dare to look up... So irritated. Make sure i dun see him tml again
3rd injury - i was kana hit by a leather lady bag on my forehead. The irritating part is she dun seems to know that her bag hit me. WTH... wondering how she carries her bag. if duno how to carry then dun carry lar... Or maybe she pretending not to apologise...
So suay man. Rched lecture hall and realise a whole loads of ppl did not attend his lecture. i intended not to go but promised dar that i'll onli skipped 1st lecture. Then, i realise that many stuffs were learnt in Poly so i decided not to continue staying in that lecture. I'll rather study myself. That ang mo lecturer ma chim talking to himself and wrking out the solutions for himself. I wont deny that the qns he gave is helpful for our exam and assignment.
All and all, i got a peaceful ride back hm without anymore injury...
I'm giving you ATTITUDE /
- 11:53 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Isn't it pretty??

See that butterfly necklace?? It's my 1st attempt made for Qiaoyun birthday present.. Hope she likes it! So angry when i told her it's not for sale, i made it myself... She dun believe lor... Say i dun look like the type will do such thingy. Please dun judge me wor... hehe heart broken liao...
Nevertheless, qiaoyun likes it!! it's an achievement!!
Im planning to make a hp chain for darling and he say he'll make 1 for me too. Im waiting...
I'm giving you ATTITUDE /
- 11:29 PM